IP information search
Technology (patent) Valuation
IP Consulting
IT Service (Patent)
IT Service (National Assembly Affair)
Authorized patent, trademark, design search institute by KIPO

Patent prior art search
The search identifies and uses similar surrounding technologies for invention to develop new technology, and identifies whether a similar prior art exists or not before patent application

New technology/New product Certification Search
The prior art search is necessary when a company requests certification to obtain certification for new technology or new product from government agency

Technology (patent) Valuation
Authorized evaluation institute by MOTIE(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) and KIPO

IP Consulting
Providing best service by best patent related experts

IP-R&D Strategy Establishment
The service analyzes domestic and international technologies and market trends for R&D technology and supports suitable R&D strategies in short, medium and long terms

Technology Trade and Commercialization
The strategy consulting is provided to analyze the validity such as technology and marketability, etc. for technology transfer and commercialization, and to earn profits

IT Service (Patent)
The best solution optimized in practical business to improve business efficiency

Patent Valuation Solution
The new patent valuation solution provides patent valuation results to each country by considering technology level and market situation of major countries such as China, the United States, Japan, etc.

Patent Process Management System
K-Line supports management of the whole application processes such as acception, application, office action, registration, and annual fee management for managing IP rights of client in a patent office

IT Service (National Assembly Affair)
Smart National Assembly affair management system Click Assembly