New technology/New product Certification Search

New technology/New product Certification Search

Prior art search for new technology/new product certification The prior art search is necessary when a company requests certification to obtain certification for new technology or new product from government agency such as Korea Industrial Technology Association and the Ministry of Knowledge Economy.


신기술/신제품 인증 업무절차 안내 이미지입니다. 자세한 내용은 아래를 참고해주세요.

01. 신기술 신청 기업은 KTG에 신청의뢰

02. 신기술 신청 기업은 ktg에 비용지급

03. KTG는 신기술 신청 기업에 선챙기술조사보고서를 제공

04.신기술 신청 기업은 신기술 인증 발급기관(한국환경산업기술원 등)에 신기술 인증 신청(선행기술조사보고서 포함)

  • 01

    Applicant companies request the prior art search report to KTG (service available on online) and submit the application form and other attached documents (technical information on new technology or new product) to KTG

  • 02

    Pay the cost to KTG (Inquiry separately for the cost)

  • 03

    Provide the prior art search report including references (binding or pdf file format) within 10 days from business days after application

  • 04

    Submit the prior art search report (or submit separately if necessary) when applying for new technology to new technology certification institution (Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, etc.)

    See the table below

The type of authentication-related prior art search

The type of authentication-related prior art search
Classification Request Institute Tel Homepage
New Excellent Technology(NET) Authentication Korea Industrial Technology Association +82-2-3460-9029
New product(NEP) Authentication Korea Industrial Technology Association +82-2-3460-9185
New Environment Technology(NET) Authentication Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute +82-2-2284-1642
New emergency technology Authentication Korea Disaster Prevention Association +82-3472-8062
New health technology Authentication Korea Health Industry Development Institute +82-43-713-8000

Contact Info

Contact Jang Myunghwan
Mobile +82-10-5064-0193