Technology Trade and Commercialization

Technology Trade

We help the overall activities to facilitate transfer of technology, such as technology transfer-related negotiations, contract-related advisory, evaluation of the technology of technology trade and the validity of marketability, and searching for qualified partners at home and abroad.

Technology Commercialization

We systematically support a stable corporate management through innovative management and strategy consulting and ensure securing of business funds from a business plan, to produce a product (service) by utilizing developed technology (technology retaining on their own or through the introduction of technology) and to earn profits through the market


기술거래 및 사업화 업무절차 이미지입니다. 자세한 내용은 아래를 참고하세요

(주)케이티지는 기술1, 기술2, 기술3, 기술4를 가지고 '기술 평가 및 기술 이전 서비스'를 제공합니다.

기술판매 요청기관 : 대학, 기업, 정부기관, 연구소

연구소가 (주)케이티지에게 기술이전 서비스 요청

기술이전 신청 업체가 (주)케이티지에게 기술 평가 및 기술 이전 서비스 요청

Contact Info

Contact Jang Myunghwan
Mobile +82-10-5064-0193