Technology Trade and Commercialization
Technology Trade
We help the overall activities to facilitate transfer of technology, such as technology transfer-related negotiations, contract-related advisory, evaluation of the technology of technology trade and the validity of marketability, and searching for qualified partners at home and abroad.
Technology Commercialization
We systematically support a stable corporate management through innovative management and strategy consulting and ensure securing of business funds from a business plan, to produce a product (service) by utilizing developed technology (technology retaining on their own or through the introduction of technology) and to earn profits through the market

(주)케이티지는 기술1, 기술2, 기술3, 기술4를 가지고 '기술 평가 및 기술 이전 서비스'를 제공합니다.
기술판매 요청기관 : 대학, 기업, 정부기관, 연구소
연구소가 (주)케이티지에게 기술이전 서비스 요청
기술이전 신청 업체가 (주)케이티지에게 기술 평가 및 기술 이전 서비스 요청
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